
Kanji In Context Anki File

Kanji In Context Anki File

Hello all,

Recently I got back into the kanji study so I’m reviewing them all (again) using the famous Kanji In Context book. So I made an Anki file to study from so I figured I would release it to all you guys who might also find it useful. I added it to my “Files” box on the left here so you can download it from there.

I tagged each entry with both the chapter (C1-C147) and section (S1-6) that it came from for easy sorting. I also tagged every entry with ‘mada’ and suspended all the entries with that tag. So the idea is to go in and remove the ‘mada’ tag from the ones you have done and as you complete the chapters to enable them.

To do this go to Edit->Edit all, then on the top right you can click a drop down on which tags to show, select either the chapter or section of the cards you want to enable, then select all the entries that appear (click one then ctrl+a). Now goto Actions->Delete tag, and type in ‘mada’  and click ‘ok’. Now the tag is removed and those cards will be enabled.



ps. If anyone doesnt know what Anki is, its a great flashcard program with tons of features. Check it out:

6 thoughts on “Kanji In Context Anki File”

  1. Cool! My mental to-do list had “Find a flashcard program!” on it, and here you are providing a suggestion! It has extra weight because I use your plug-in every single day. Plus, I agree with your 10 best books for learning Japanese, although there’s a few extra I’d throw into the running.

    BTW, I’m sure this is not the place for it, but it would be nifty if there was a global option to keep the add-on active in all windows and especially nifty if it stayed on after rebooting. It would save a few clicks, which add up quickly for those of us who are rodent-impaired (find it painful to use a mouse). 🙂

    Thanks again for all your hard work!

  2. Hi,

    I wanted to comment about this.
    First, thank you for your efforts to take the time of making this, I’m sure a lot of time went into it.

    Second, unfortunately, it’s not a very good deck.
    It has numerous mistakes, way too many to be tolerable. Mistakes in the kanji, or in the readings where you mistake the meaning of one compound for another in the same chapter.
    And also mistakes in the kun/on-yomi.

    I was very happy to see someone made an Anki deck for this, because I’m kind of stressed for time and this would save me the time of making my own flashcards, so I’ve been using this.
    I’m actually up to chapter 50 now or so, what prompted me to write this comment was chapter 49, which had around 75% of the vocabulary in that chapter missing.

    I will probably end up making my own flash cards later when I have more time, but meanwhile I’m actually a bit afraid to guess how much of the vocabulary I’ve rehearsed through your deck is actually faulty, so I’m stamping wrong information into my head.
    Or important / common vocabulary that was omitted in the deck.

    Please don’t take this as a bashing of your deck, that is not my intention at all. I’m just trying to give constructive criticism on what I think is bad about it.
    Although you did spend a lot of time on making this, it seems you were often very careless with the parsing of information.

    If it’s a case of “I just made this for my own studies and it’s good enough for me, if you don’t like it don’t use it” then you can leave it at that, but if you want to improve it, there’s a lot of stuff that should be corrected.

    I will keep using it though, since it’s still more convenient than making my own flash cards at the moment, I’ll just try to be careful and make corrections and additions along the way.

    Thanks again for this, it’s useful even if flawed.

  3. Hi there. Sorry for my late reply. Yes it’s not a perfect deck..thanks for the information about chapter 49. It would be great if you could let us know some of the other mistakes and we will improve the deck.
    By the way, good job on getting so far in the book!

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