

mutli-front attack language learning

The Multi-Front Attack for Conquering a New Language

We have already established that studying on your own is best, but what’s the optimal way to dive into a completely new language? The secret lies in attacking the language from many different angles. This is not an original idea. In fact, I borrowed it from a personal hero of mine, Barry Farber. His method works! Apply

The Multi-Front Attack for Conquering a New Language Read More »

It all adds up studying languages

It all adds up! (Or how to master a foreign language)

Do you ever feel like all your time and effort studying your target language hasn’t amounted to much? Ever feel frustrated with your progress? Well, join the club! Once you pass the intermediate threshold, it gets harder to judge your growth in the language. You are entering what I refer to as intermediate fatigue. It’s

It all adds up! (Or how to master a foreign language) Read More »